Thursday, December 2, 2010

Really, God?

So, I've been feeling a bit down the last few days.  I've been nauseated beyond belief and it's made it impossible to do anything.  For the first time EVER, I didn't get to go pick out a Christmas tree.  I didn't hang the lights.  I probably won't do many ornaments.  And, while I try to stay as positive as possible, some days I just want to punch someone in the face.  Today was one of those days.

I learned today that I may have a secondary infection in my intestines, caused by the antibiotics used to treat the initial infection.  Awesome.  Two infections for the price of one.  How lucky can one girl get?  I don't have the results back yet, but I've read the symptoms and, based on my luck this year, I'm assuming it's what I have.

I know this is only temporary.  I know I'll get through it and life will go on as normal at some point.  I know at some point I'll probably forget how awful this all was.  But not today.  Not when I didn't get to get a tree with my little girl because I was curled up in a ball in bed, too nauseated to move.

At times like this I think about that old saying (and I'm paraphrasing here)... I know God won't give me more than I can handle.  Sometimes I wish he just didn't have so much faith in me.


  1. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! Hang in there, sweet friend! I'm praying for you and hoping things will improve soon.

  2. We have faith you. Stay Strong, Sweetie!!

  3. Cari, I so know how much it sucks to not be yourself this time of year. Hang in there! I just know relief is coming soon!

  4. Just know that we love you and are thinking of you!

  5. It's funny you posted that saying...I have an old Ziggy comic that I cut out and have had hanging on the inside of my cabinet door for years. I have moved it with me since Austin and always hang it in the same place so I see it every morning. It was from New Year's Day one year and when all your stuff started, I saw it one morning and you popped into my mind..I will have to scan it and post it for you. Hang in there will get better...and remember that no matter how hard it still have your family and friends to get you through. It's tough, but there will be other Christmases!!
