Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in the Rear View

I'm not sure how I feel about 2010, to be honest.  In one respect, it's all a blur of doctor visits, bone scans, IV meds, surgeries, and days I'd just as soon forget.  On the other hand, like I said in one of my other posts, this year has made me more grateful for what I have and has made me anxious to start living to the fullest again.

I don't know what 2011 is going to hold in store for us, but I do know this: I have an amazing family who dropped everything to be with me and help me through this year.  I have amazing friends who support me and pray for me and will be taking me out for drinks when this is all over ;)  I have an amazing husband who has done more than his share around the house while I've been out of commission.  I have an amazing daughter who asks me daily if my leg still hurts and tells me she will help me if I need it.  Most importantly, I have an amazing God who has brought me this far and will carry me through whatever 2011 brings.  I think I'll close out 2010 by sharing the prayer I've been praying each night for the past few months.  It's apropos to my situation, but I think it rings true for anyone going through a hard time or feeling like there's no end to the pain and suffering.  (Before I get credit for my wonderful prose, I'll let you know that the prayer is from a book- I didn't come up with it)

Lord Jesus, who patiently and willingly suffered deep pain for the salvation of the world, thank You for understanding what I'm going through.  Give me strength to accept my weakness as I recover, and remind me always of the place you've prepared for me in heaven, where there will be no more weeping.  I know this pain is temporary because of Your perfect life, death, and resurrection.  Amen.

Amen!  Happy New Year!

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