Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Day Has Arrived

I can't believe it.  After 8.5 months of waiting, it's finally here.  On Thursday I'll be getting my new hip and hopefully putting all of this behind me.  I think this surgery will probably be the hardest for me so far because I'm basically in no pain right now.  I was in such pain before the other three surgeries that I wasn't really concerned about the post-surgical pain.  But, I know it's only temporary and that I'll be walking on the other side of this, so I'm ready.

Tomorrow I plan to spend the day with Laurel and soak up as much Laurel/Mommy time as I can before I'm out of commission for a few weeks again. 

The surgery will be at Seton on 38th St. here in Austin at 12:30 pm on Thursday.  The doctor expects it to take at least 3 hours, but we know the last one took over 4, so it's anyone's guess.  I'd appreciate any prayers you could throw our way this week, especially on Thursday.  If you're at a loss for words (as I often am at times like this), use mine:

"Dear God, please be with Cari during her surgery this week.  Guide the surgical team to the best of their abilities.  Be with her family as they wait.  Give them patience and the peace that only You can provide.  Give Cari mental, physical, and emotional strength both during the surgery and during her recovery.  Remind her that this pain is only temporary and that this too shall pass.  Above all else, Your will be done.  Amen."

Thank you all for your support during this long journey.  I hope to be walking and leaping and celebrating with you all soon! 

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